Information Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program accredited rated A by Decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education Department of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 001/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/Dpl-III/I/2005 dated on January 28, 2005.
Curriculum of Information Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program is designed with a total load 111 credits for the course duration 3 years / 6 semesters.
Vision, Mission, and Goal Information Engineering Diploma Degree Program
Being Study Program Diploma that is capable to organize good quality education programs, and generate Associate Technical Expert that able to practice and develop self-knowledge in the field of information technology and has attitude to work and be a good people in society.
Organizing education, research, society service, and quality service industries in the field of information technology.
Developing a good quality academic’s atmosphere through improved scientific activities, information management systems, and human resources.
Laboratories utilization as the spearhead of implementing and supporting the lecture.
Implement and develop a curriculum that is able to accommodate the graduate’s user's expected competencies.
Increase cooperation with other institutions in the development of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.
Produce Technical Diploma who have the knowledge and expertise in engineering and informatics systems, have technology insight and telecommunications business, and able to follow the development of science and information technology.