D3 Telecommunication Engineering
by ittelkom
Published on December 13, 2010
Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program got B in accreditation based on Decree of National Accreditation Board of Higher Education Department of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 009/BAN-PT/Ak-VII/Dipl-III/VIII/2007 dated on 25th of August 2007.
Curriculum of Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program was designed with 111 semester credit units (sks) in total, for 3 years/ 6 semesters learning periods based on competence in National and International scope and has 50 % in portion for practice from the total of semester credit units (sks). Curriculum Diagram Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program can be seen in Table 2.14.
Visions, Missions, Outcomes and Objectives of Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program
Being Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program that is capable of producing high-quality Diploma engineer, which enabled carrying out his work, both routine and contextual, responsible, capable of carrying out supervision and guidance on technical and managerial skills in the field of telecommunication engineering its appropriate national competency standards and international (certification).
Provide education for Diploma engineer in the field of telecommunications technology, to develop an academic atmosphere that supports graduates user needs, the empowerment of laboratories, develop curriculum that appropriate with competencies expected by the users of graduates in both the national and international scope.
Program Educational Objectives
Target implementation Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program is directed to the graduates to have the following qualifications:
- Give students an understanding of basic knowledge and skills to handle both jobs that are routine and contextual in the field of telecommunications engineering, including testing, installation, operation and maintenance.
- Give students a wide-scale insight on contemporary developments in accordance with its competence in the field of telecommunication engineering skills and aspects related to national and international scope.
- Giving students the ability of good communication skills, the ability of a good communication in English, ability to independently managerial supervision in accordance with the professional ethics of the profession of high performance, personal development skills independently or entrepreneurship attitude, has the principle of lifelong learning , pious and noble moral so they were able to prepare themselves for a complex work environment.
- Provide a learning environment that suits with the working world needs in the form of an innovative program that sharp, challenging, open and conducive.
Program Outcomes
Telecommunication Engineering Diploma Degree Study Program aimed for producing graduates who have:
- The ability to use applied mathematics and applied science in engineering and technology,
- The ability to experiment in guided, compile data, measurement, and perform a practical analysis,
- Ability to do the installation, operation and testing of electronics and telecommunications equipment,
- Ability to function effectively within the team,
- The ability to perform the identification, formulation and solve technical problems in telecommunications,
- The ability to understand ethical responsibility, social, and professional associate experts.
- Ability to communicate effectively, both verbal and in writing in the profession,
- Commitment to quality, timely and continuously make improvements,
- Awareness of the need for a capability for lifelong learning,
- Respect for difference and professional knowledge, contemporary, social and global issues
- Mastery of basic theories and practical electrical engineering and telecommunications to be applied in analyzing engineering problems,
- Ability to function effectively within the team,
- The graduates have at least a certificate of international expertise.