S1 Computer System
by bsi
Published on January 6, 2011
Computer Systems Bachelor Degree Study Program is opened according to the Decree DIKTI number 108/DT/2007 dated January 16, 2007.
Curriculum of Computer System Bachelor Degree Study Program is designed with a total load 144 credits for the course duration 4 years / 8 semesters. For students who can keep the grade of semester not less than 3.00 at each end of the semester have been provided study of planning through the Curriculum Acceleration Scheme 3.5 years / 7 semesters.
Vision, Mission, Goals and Competence Computer Systems Bachelor Degree Study Program
Being Computer Systems Bachelor Degree Study Program superior in Southeast Asia in 2020, this produces skilled Computer Systems Graduates in Mobile Computing Systems, and can adapt to the development of the latest computer technology.
- Organize an excellent education in Southeast Asia to produce graduates who master the science and computer technology, in the field of Mobile Computing System, and supported by knowledge of computer and telecommunications networks, and embedded systems.
- Organize international quality research in the field of information technology-based computer systems and computer communication by actively involving students.
- Running a society service by disseminating the principles of computer science and technology research, the results to general public by actively involving students.
- Equip student with science and practical knowledge, to be able to work, and develop themselves and entrepreneurship in the field of information technology and computer communications.
Goals of System Computer Bachelor Degree Program:
- Improve the competence and competitiveness of Study Program to serve the industry, society and nation.
- Produce graduates who are competent, professional, and able to develop themselves and entrepreneurship in the field of Computer Systems.
- Generate creative and innovative work in the field of Computer System in accordance with the demands and needs of society at national and international level.
- Contributing to the development of industry in the application of scientific in systems computer. Computer System Bachelor Degree is intended to produce graduates who have the ability to:
- Having the ability to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering, skills, and engineering equipment (tools) in analyzing, and resolving problems in the field of computer systems.
- Having the ability to master the development of computer technology and computer and telecommunications networks.
- Have the capacity for identification, formulation, and solving problems by embracing the rules of professional (using the latest tools in computer engineering and computer and telecommunications networks activities).
- Having the ability to design, conduct experiments, analysis and interpretation of data. include:
- Having the ability to Security System and Computer and telecommunications Network Design.
- Having the ability to analyze and design a software system for micro-computer based systems and computer and telecommunications networks.
- Having the ability to design computer systems (hardware / embedded systems), simple systems based on microcomputers and computer and telecommunications networks.
- Able to design and build intelligent systems.
- Having skills in programming and using minimum one programming software and a application software. include:
- Having the ability to build (coding) software system for micro-computer based systems and computer and telecommunications networks.
- Having the ability in Mobile Computing to apply in computers and telecommunications network.
- Having the ability to communicate (in Indonesian and English) and positively interact both individually and within a multidisciplinary team.
- Having an understanding of responsibility and professional ethics.
- Having an understanding of the attitude and entrepreneurial skills both individually and within a multidisciplinary team.
- Know and understand the teachings of one of the officially recognized religions in Indonesia.
- Having insight to the general appropriate knowledge to understand the influence of engineering solutions in a social context or the global context.
- Always have the awareness to lifelong learning, and are open to the changes.
- Having insight to the development of contemporary technology in the field of Computer Systems expertise.