Ruang lingkup : arsitektur paralel dan terdistribusi, interkoneksi antar prosesor, representasi algoritma paralel dengan Directed Acyclic Graph, pengukuran kompleksitas, percepatan dan efisiensi, hk. Amdahl, berbagai aspek komunikasi dalam sistim paralel, sinkronisasi, dll.
1. El-Rewini, Hashem., Theodore G. Lewis & Hesham H. Ali., Task Scheduling in Parallel and Distributed Systems, Prentice Hall,,Inc., USA, 1994.
2. Lewis, Ted G., Hesham El-Rewini, Introduction to Parallel Computing, Prentice Hall Inc.,1992.
3. Bertsekas, Dimitri P., John N. Tsitsiklis, Parallel and Distributed Computation, Prentice Hall Inc., USA, 1989.