Imagine Cup adalah ajang kompetisi teknologi untuk mahasiswa. yang diadakan oleh Microsoft. Imagine Cup diadakan secara rutin setiap tahun, dan tahun 2012 ini memasuki tahun ke 10 akan diadakan di Sidney, Australia
Kompetisi ini terbuka bagi perorangan atau tim dengan usia minimum 18 tahun.. Tema Imagine Cup mengambil pemikiran dari 8 Millenium Development Goals dari United Nations (PBB), yaitu:
1. Mengentaskan Kemiskinan dan Kelaparan
2. Pendidikan Dasar yang Merata
3. Emansipasi Wanita
4. Mengurangi Kematian Anak
5. Meningkatkan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil
6. Memerangi HIV/AIDS, Malaria dan Penyakit-Penyakit Lainnya
7. Memelihara Kelestarian dan Keberlangsungan Lingkungan
8. Mengembangkan Kerja Sama Global
Setiap tahunya Imagine Cup diselenggarakan di negara yang berbeda, antara lain sebagai berikut :
Imagine Cup 2008 – Diselenggarakan di Paris, Perancis
Imagine Cup 2009 – Diselenggarakan di Mesir/Egypt
Imagine Cup 2010 – Diselenggarakan di Polandia
Imagine Cup 2011 – Diselenggarakan di New York, USA
Dan di tahun 2012 ini Imagine Cup akan diselenggarakan di Sidney, Australia
VIDEO VOTING Seluruh 37 peserta yang mengirim submission di Round 2 BERHAK untuk ikut dalam kompetisi ini untuk memenangkan hadiah sebesar Rp. 5.000.000,-.
Kompetisi ini akan ditutup pada tanggal 10 Mei 2012, Mari bantu teman-teman kita peserta dari IT Telkom di category People’s Choice Award.
Kunjungi link berikut, dan berikan VOTE kalian !!!.
Socius is a set of application that can help autisms to interact and communicate with others, such as read face expression, recognize a person, and understand the conversation. Besides that, Socius also has a function as trainer to teach autisms basic knowledge like expression meaning, how to express, and understand the vocabulary.Socitrainer : Desktop applicationSocilife : Mobile phone applicationSocicontrol : Mobile phone application
Socius is a setof application that can help autisms to interact and communicatewith others, such as read face expression, recognize a person, andunderstand the conversation. Besides that, Socius also has afunction as trainer to teach autisms basic knowledge likeexpression meaning, how to express, and understand the vocabulary.
Muhammad Taufik Ismail
Satryo Bakuh Sem Matabei
Aditya Wedha Utama
Aulia Pramadhani
Maternal mortality is one of the biggest problem in the world. More than 35.000 women die annualy from complication pregnancy or childbirth, and almost all of the maternal for about 99 % are in developing country. Wcare comes handling regarding this issue directly address the major problem of reducing maternal mortality rates throughout the world by providing a robust mobile diagnostic solution for the pregnant mother.
Wcare introduces as an inovative solution to reduce the maternal mortality ratio caused by the lack of detection and availability of treatment for pre-eclampsia problem. Wcare provide any point-of-care solution. It available works on any smartphone application. The focus point of Wcare project is to digitally characterize the blood pressure, visualize signal of blood pressure, and provide three-dimensional modeling of cells through single image acquisition of low-volume blood smears by put fingers on the camera screen. With such a straightforward process, Wcare can be used by anyone who has the ability to operate cell phone, basic eventhough.
Amalia Fadhilla
Putria Febriana
Yusuf Habibur Rahman
Desi Kurniasari
Life is a portable medical check up solution that help users, especially health practitioners to perform medical check up quickly, anywhere, & anytime. Help us to implement this idea to the society by giving your vote to this video for People's Choice Award in Imagine Cup 2012. Together we can make this world a better place. Thank you!
Life is a portable medical check up solution that help users, especially health practitioners to perform medical check up quickly, anywhere, & anytime.
Gigih Rezki Septianto
Angga Fatih Alim
Dandy Risfanto
Rizaq Nanda Pratama
IT Works
SERIA is an application created to address issues in the field of tourism and migration which is very useful for users because it connects every person who uses this application and relies on a cloud. Using a wireless-based application system SERIA is easy to be used by its users. We use cloud and windows account to save our data that have already been made. We synchronize it also with current social media so that you will still be updated to the world. We use bing smart finder to search on some places and give direction people to people located.
Arief Budi Santoso
Mutihera Safitri
Fahmi Ramadhan
Muhammad Lukmanul Hakim
Brainstat is an application to monitor the condition of a rider or driver of any transportation services from brain waves activity.
Umar Ali Ahmad
Arganka Yahya
Anggunmeka Luhur Prasasti
Dody Qori Utama
Auris is a cloud-based phone application used for helping deaf people increasing their awareness about speech and sound in their surroundings. This project will participate in People's Choice Award Imagine Cup 2012. So, vote for us
Auris is a cloud-based phone application used for helping deaf people increasing their awareness about speech and sound in their surroundings.
senspulse is a real-time vital sign waveform streaming application for remote patient monitoring and assessment. It streams waveform patterns, bedside alarms, and other patient data which are sent to clinicians anywhere for immediate visual interpretation, collaboration, and timely patient care. It integrates all the medical records, and reports every change within seconds of when the data were recorded. The status of monitored patients is proactively assessed to adjust and expedite workflow, and support the multitasking demands of clinicians. Besides that, senspulse analyzes the physiological waveforms and sends notification alert to the clinicians if there any abnormal waveform so they can take immediate action
Boni Yustin Prabowo
Shelby Marsha Istiqomah
Arief yunanto
Taufiq Noor
Mentari Senja
An early detection mechanism - Philariasis - Windows Phone
Riyad Rivandi
Rosha Lestari Fardani
Doni Ramadhan
With Cholestera application, people will find it easier to control their daily activity. Cholestera is an application which intended to help people to manage their lifestyle according to their health condition. A person health condition can be determined by adjusting his/her personal data with the American Health Association data that can produce an accurate result. By using Cholestera people will always get motivated to improve their lifestyle with the gamification feature which rewards the user for every improvement of the person daily habits.
Ainu Faisal Pambudy
Muhammad Agung Agriza
Muhammad Reza Rukmana
Andika Pradana Arif Wicaksono
Healthcare is a project built to educate about healthylifestyle to user. It allows user to be more aware of their ownhealthy.
Yosep Setiawan
Rachmat AG
A. Ahmad Nasrullah
Nunit Siregar
Streamline the use of fertilizers for farmers
Leafcoder is a solution for farmer who dont know exaclty how much amount of urea fertilizer must be use to their farms accurately, and efficiently in a form of mobile phone application that can analyze the color of plant leaf. The result of analyzing can be seen in Leafcoder web application. Leafcoder will save 10-58 pecent of fertilizer use without reducing harvest result, and this can save the environment and avoid from poverty.
Muhammad Alvin Nukman
Wahyu Rismawan
Kadek Byan Prihandana Jati
Wisnu Riyan Pratama P.
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izzie Students Balita Offline
Join : 18 Jan 2012
Posts : 104
Judul: re: IMAGINE CUP 2012
Posted: 7th May 2012, 09:43
klo dulu sih sistemnya peserta daftar lgsung ke web imaginecup, daftarin team+dosen mentor,
tar ada jadwalnya kok kpn ngumpulin materi lombanya kpn, selain software desain seleksinya lgsung internasional, jd g ada seleksi nasional gt..
----------------------------» just put more effort than the others....
izzie Students Balita Offline
Join : 18 Jan 2012
Posts : 104
Judul: re: IMAGINE CUP 2012
Posted: 7th May 2012, 18:29
mira09 Tulis:Jadi yang buan peserta gak bisa tau ya?
g tau pengumumannya gt ya???
klo pengumuman ada di situs resminya imaginecup kok...coba cek aja..hehehe ----------------------------» just put more effort than the others....
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