My name is Hilal, I was admitted on Master of Informatics Engineering Program, IT Telkom in 2009 and has graduated on March 2011. I got a lot of experiences when I was studying in IT Telkom Graduate School. The faculty always encourages and supports the students to do high quality research since most of the faculty lecturers are outstanding experts, researchers, and practitioners on Information Technology. The faculty kept supporting the students by giving both guidance and periodical evaluations. The most exciting event is when my research was accepted by IEEE European Modelling Symposium (EMS 2010) at Pisa, Italy, in 2010. The faculty helped me so much, to publish the paper. That is the first time my paper was published in international conference proceeding. I think, if you have interest on ICT world and want to feel international academic atmosphere, Graduate Faculty of IT Telkom, will give you all you need.
Alfin Hikmaturokhman My name, I am very proud to continue their studies at the Graduate IT Telkom Bandung. On campus, I get the course material is up to date with the World Telecommunication development which would be supported by the teachers are very competent in their field both from the Academia and from the industry. Graduate School regularly invites experts to give a public lecture Telecommunications insight and networking so I have also increased.
In addition, in order to increase student competence and to explore in terms of research, then I am given the opportunity in terms of shipments Paper on National events, which of course are all financed by the Graduate IT Telkom Bandung. National event which I attended at that time was the National Seminar Call For Papers Information and Communication Technology (ICT 2010) and Call for Papers National Seminar on Application of Information Technology (SNATI 2010).
I am also grateful to the Graduate School IT Telkom Bandung for allowing me to follow the event "Training for Trainers - 2G and 3G RAN Single" in Shenzen China and International Certification in Malaysia Global Training Center for one of the International Telecommunication Vendor.
Prodi S2 TE ITTelkom pretty good in terms of academic quality that has been run, and have an appropriate curriculum with technology development and well-equipped facilities of the laboratory and other supporting facilities. Lecturers who have sufficient professional and academic qualifications and quality.
As an alumni of a graduate class I, I was impressed by everything, including all their help and encouragement to complete the study was run which was stopped because of academic leave.
Build a broad mindset and responsible. Learn something that is not just academic. ITTelkom thanks ....
I am very grateful to be studying in graduate ITTelkom. In addition to studying, it is also very supportive ni my career as a lecturer. I'm proud to complete the study in ITTelkom S2.
Thank God, I can learn to master program in ITTelkom, I got a lot of science, professional lecturers and a good landfill so many conveniences that I feel.
Alhamdulillah, it can be completed in ITTelkom S2 Telecommunication Engineering. Hopefully this knowledge brings blessings. Thank you for all the good teman2, dosen2 and TPA are a lot of help.
I am very pleased and proud to take on ITTelkom S2, it is one of the most challenging experiences of my life. I am here the more established paradigm and change the pattern of my fikir be better, according to the vision and mission "toward world class university" is a good step. And I think this ITTelkom Have a Taste / have a high taste in delivering the curriculum and have more value than others. Success has always been to graduate ITTelkom.
Graduate ITTelkom of sufficient quality. The material taught is quite weighty and correlated with the actual science in the world of work. The material taught in the development of intellect and postgraduate career when compared to other universities. regards
Everything is Insya Allah enjoyable and achievable when we have a passion on it. And I've gotten it in Graduate School of IT Telkom. Alhamdulillah ...... ^_^
Es un honor que es muy valioso para mí ser uno de los alumnos de Postgrado de IT Telkom ......