Thursday, 12-April-2012

We inform you that the Program will hold a Masters IT Telkom Academic Potential Test (TPA) Standard Oto-Bappenas on:
     Day / Date: Sunday, October 30, 2011
     Time: 8:00 to 12:00 pm
     Place: Building K, Campus IT Telkom
With the following requirements:
A. Registration fee of Rp 275.000, - transferred via the Mandiri Bank account number Martadinata London: 131-0092021320 in the name of IT Telkom.
2. Bring a photo copy of S1 certificate
3. 3x4 and 4x6 photographs, each 1 sheet
4. Copy of ID card
For his fellow faculty / alumni / general intent on following this test in preparation for further study or for other purposes, can enroll in the Graduate School IT Telkom Building Lt G-2 (old library), no later than Saturday 22 October 2011 at 12.00.
For further information please contact Br. Ri Handayani (Graduate School of IT Telkom, Mobile: 085 740 779 107, tel / fax: 022-7566123).
So that we can inform.
Iswahyudi Hidayat
Fak. Graduate IT Telkom
NB: Registration forms can be downloaded at TPA