Industrial Engineering Bachelor Degree Study Program accredited rated A by decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia Number 006/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IV/2009 dated on 30th of April 2009.
Curriculum of Industrial Engineering Bachelor Degree Study Program is designed with a total load 145 credits for the course duration 4 years / 8 semesters. For students who can keep grade of semester not less than 3.00 at each end of the semester have been provided the study of planning through Curriculum Acceleration Scheme 3.5 years / 7 semesters.
Vision, Mission, and Goals of Industrial Engineering Bachelor Degree Study Program
Being excellent Industrial Engineering Bachelor Degree Study Program Being is able to provide experts who are competent in the management of information and communication industry and able to contribute in building the intelligent people of Indonesia.
Organizing educational activities, research and support the implementation of services to the society and the information and communication industry through empowerment resources optimally and synergistically with others to ensure the development and quality improvement, accountability, functions and role of the course.
Producing graduates who:
- Mastering the basics of scientific and engineering skills in the industry so have the ability to find, understand, explain, and formulate a way of resolving the problem in the field of industrial engineering;
- Able to apply knowledge and skills in the field of industrial engineering in productive activities and services to the society in the area of ​information and communication, with attitudes and behavior in accordance with common life procedures;
- Able to act and behave in the work present themselves as technical experts in the field of information and communication industry, as well as in a society common life;
- Able to follow developments in science and technology in the field of industrial engineering and information and communication.