In order to motivate and develop the interest of lecturers in generating scientific publications in the Textbook form that suitable with disciplines and courses, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education in the year 2011 held a socialization "Incentive Program in Writing College Textbook". Socialization was delivered by Yudi Agustono, Head of Sub Programs and Evaluation, and Community Services Directorate, Directorate General of Higher Education directly in Multimedia Learning Centre, IT Telkom, on Monday (31/10).
DIKTI Incentive Program aims to encourage the lecturers to continue researching and writing, especially writing Textbook of Higher Education. Besides that, scientific publications are expected to increase and enrich scientific insights of lecturers. And for the students, the program is expected to produce books that would be a major learning tool for students.
Yudi Agustono delivered this program is open to all lecturers who have published a learning book from the experiences of their research.
"DIKTI does not fund the preparation or publication of text books, but we provides an incentive funds amounting to 15-25 million rupiahs for the writer who has published books, and of course the right of authorship and royalties still held by the author or the institution where he works," said Yudi.
And the types of book that can be filed to have the incentive is textbooks, compendia, monographs, enrichment learning or teaching module based on information and research that be held in Indonesia.